About Us

We simply believe in the whole gospel and believe that we must preached the gospel in three ways! With: love, words and power! Healing and deliverance

About Us

Tsidkenu Revival Hub’s goal is equipping the American church body all over America to effectively evangelize with power, love and words! Pastor Benjamin and Lydia Wisan, are blessed to be the founding pastors of Church Tsidkenu which oversees Tsidkenu Revival Hub. They started the church in May 2016 by the Grace of God and leading of the Holy Spirit. They both attended and graduated Rhema Bible College and have traveled to many, many countries and have seen thousands: saved, healed, delivered and equipped for the gospel. For more information in general and our statement of faith go to: churchtk.com

As the church began to grow, Ben and Lydia appointed God-fearing and mature believers to serve alongside them as Elders to help shepherd and oversee the flock of God at TK and be examples to the believers.

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